November 27, 2012

Amber & Drew | Engaged | West Lafayette Wedding Photography

FILED IN: Engagements

Amber and Drew met in college and have been dating for a few years now.  I found out that Drew had a passion for brewing, so I instantly knew we’d get along.  After the shoot he gave my husband and me a few bottles of his cherry sour ale (which was fantastic).  Amber and Drew plan to brew all the beer and wine for their wedding (which I think is so cool).
Amber was a few years younger than me when I was in high school, but I couldn’t forget her.  Even in her young teen years, she was so smart and driven. She’s also beautiful. I think Amber is wonderful to be around. She is easy to talk to about anything, she doesn’t beat around the bush (which I really appreciate), and she’s confident.  I think Drew knows he is a lucky guy.

I was amazed by how warm this shoot was; Indiana weather is so unpredictable.  When I think of November, I think freezing rain, snow, and frozen faces.  It was 70 degrees.  I was happy to be shooting and to be spending the beautiful day outdoors.  It’s easy to say the shoot went well and I’m so excited to share the pictures.

I cannot wait to see your wedding come together!

















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