September 1, 2011

Engagement: Vickie and Mike

FILED IN: Engagements

Vickie and Mike are a very caring couple. I had a great time getting to know them a little bit better throughout the engagement shoot.  They told me how they met on facebook, through one of the groups.  Vickie joined a group, that was about having someone to talk to in hard times, that Mike just happened to join.  They attended a different colleges, but that’s the beauty of facebook, you can connect with anyone.  Vickie had contacted him about the facebook group, and a long while later they decided to meet up.  Their relationship grew into what it is now.
I really had fun seeing them interact. They seem perfect for one another. They both were very playful but their was a spark between them. Vickie is very sociable and didn’t seem the bit uncomfortable.  It was nice not being the only one talking.

I really had a good time with them and I’m really looking forward to next spring for their wedding!

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